Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interaction among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.

Why do we need Functional Medicine?

Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.

The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.

Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic illness. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.

How is Functional Medicine Different that Traditional Medicine?

Functional medicine involves understanding the origins, prevention, and treatment of complex, chronic disease. Hallmarks of a functional medicine approach include:

Patient-centered. The focus of functional medicine is on patient-centered care, promoting health as a positive vitality, beyond just the absence of disease. By listening to the patient and learning his or her story, the practitioner brings the patient into the discovery process and tailors treatments that address the individual’s unique needs.

An integrative, science-based healthcare approach. Functional medicine practitioners look “upstream” to consider the complex web of interactions in the patient’s history, physiology, and lifestyle that can lead to illness. The unique genetic makeup of each patient is considered, along with both internal (mind, body and spirit) and external (physical and social environment) factors that affect total functioning.

Integrating the best medical practices. Functional medicine integrates traditional Western medical practices with what are sometimes considered “alternative” or “integrative” medicine, creating a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet, and exercise; use of the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques; and prescribed combinations of drugs and/or botanical medicines, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, or stress-management techniques.

Functional Medicine has helped people with....

• Hypothyroidism

• Weight management

• Indigestion 

• Headaches/Migraines 

• Learning Difficulties 

• Heartburn 

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

• Diarrhea/Constipation

• Hormonal Imbalances 

• Diabetes

And much more

Tools used in Functional Medicine Assessment....

• Food Sensitivity Testing 

Determine your allergic response to various foodstuffs with our food allergy testing services. You may learn that, if you avoid certain foods, you’ll feel better.  

We use the FIT Test (Food Inflammation Test) from KBMO Diagnostics.  They offer food sensitivity testing for up to 176 different foods, colorings and additives.  The FIT test comes in 3 panels - FIT 22, 132, 176.  The FIT Test is the most sensitive food test available using patented technology.  The multiple pathway approach allows us to look not only at food sensitivities, but also inflammation and gut permeability.  Gut permeability is tested by evaluating the protein Zonulin which when high is an indication of leaky gut syndrome.  (Our gut is the home of 80% of our immune system.  An unhealthy gut means an unhealthy person.)  KBMO also provides best in class compliance tools including a personalized meal plans and an app to assist in grocery shopping.  The testing is a blood test with a finger prick.

FIT Testing can help with symptoms of:

Anxiety/Depression                                   Bloating/Stomach Pain

Inability to lose weight                              Impotence/Insomnia

Joint Pain                                                    Constipation/Diarrhea

Sugar Craving


DNA testing

Did You Know Your Health Is Linked To Your Origin?  Have you ever wanted to know why you always catch a cold each year?  HAve you wondered if you are predisposed to heart disease or diabetes?  NutriDyn Unlocks Your DNA To Advise You On How To Live A Healthy Life.  With MyOrigin from NutriDyn, they analyze your unique DNA testing results and give you a personalized, scientific, and easy to understand Health Action Plan™ that will help make the right choices for your lifestyle.  Your personalized Health Action Plan™ includes nutrition recommendations (diet and nutrition strategies to help you overcome genetic predispositions and live your healthiest life), lifestyle recommendations (optimize your mental wellness), supplements (dietary vitamins and supplements to help you achieve your optimal health), exercises (specific exercise strategies to help improve your performance and recover faster), and further testing (additional testing recommendations to see exactly how your genetic predispositions may affect you).  Testing involves a cheek swab.

DNA Panels Include:

Respiratory Resilience                               Nutrition Optimization

Cardiometabolic                                         Cognitive

Detox                                                           Endurance Performance

Energy/Fatigue                                           Gastrointestinal

Health Enrichment                                     Hormone

Immune                                                       Weight Management

Gut/Brain                                                     Musculoskeletal


 • Adrenocortex Stress Profile with Cortisol Awakening Response

Are you stressed? Daily hassles, chronic pain, blood sugar dysregulation, work stressors, and poor relationship quality can alter the HPA axis. Imbalances in adrenal hormones can have a wide range of negative consequences that can adversely impact a patient's overall quality of life. The symptoms of HPA axis dysfunction can be vague and are highly variable but may include: fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, depression, GI complaints, and chronic pain. The Adrenocortex Stress Profile (ASP) provides an assessment of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis using carefully timed salivary samples of the hormones cortisol and DHEA. Salivary testing is an easy, non-invasive option to measure unbound, biologically active parent hormone levels. The report offers an easy-to-interpret graphic which plots the results of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) and the natural diurnal rhythm.  

HPA axis dysfunction is associated with many conditions including:

Hypertension                                               Cardiovascular disease

Gastrointestional Dysfunction                   Immune Dysfunction

Diabetes                                                       Metabolic Syndrome

Depression                                                   Chronic Fatigue

Neurodegenerative Disease                       Cognitive Decline

Persistent Pain

Adrenocortex Stress Profile testing can reveal these HPA axis imbalances and provide direction for clinical intervention with targeted therapeutic treatments such as nutrient support and/or adaptogens, stress management, behavioral modification and lifestyle interventions.  Testing involves saliva collection.

Detox and Purification Programs

Do you feel that you need to detox your system and/or maybe jump start your weight loss?  Standard Process has two programs that can help with that.

SP Detox Balance™ Program

Whole Food-Based Metabolic Detoxification

Delivers whole food-based nutrition that supports easy, safe and healthy removal of toxins

The program features two options — a 28-day or 10-day plan. After you take the Toxicity Questionnaire, Dr. Kate will recommend one of the options based on the results. You will then follow a simple regimen in the Program Guide, including the required number of shakes per day. Just mix the SP Detox Balance™ powder with water (or other approved beverage) and enjoy — morning, noon or night!

The SP Detox Balance™ program includes a tasty, all-in-one shake, supported by sample meals. The SP Detox Balance™ powder is full of whole food-based nutritional ingredients, and is packed with 17 grams of protein.

Toxins can contribute to:

  • Fatigue or difficulty sleeping
  • Indigestion and other temporary gastrointestinal upset
  • Food cravings and weight gain
  • Reduced mental clarity
  • Low libido
  • Skin issues
  • Joint discomfort

Purification Program

Change habits. Change lives

The 21-day Standard Process Purification Program isn’t just a cleanse diet. It’s a structured program that brings healthy lifestyle habits into focus.

It’s designed to purify, nourish and help patients maintain a healthy body weight by eating whole foods, exercising, drinking nutritious shakes and taking supplements made with whole food and other ingredients.*

The menu includes a varied abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11. The supplements support the body’s ability to remove naturally occurring toxins. This promotes a state that allows for toxin release.*

Plus other diagnostic testing to evaluate for conditions that you may have concerns about - just ask


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